Area: Laboratories & Pharmaceuticals
Type: Denpox
When medical hygiene
requirements are imposed
on your floor. 8,200 m2 DenpoxTM
The Challenge
"The floor must meet high hygiene requirements"
DENTSTORE is one of Romania's largest distributors of dental medicine products and supplies dental clinics in Central Europe. When DENTSTORE took over the distribution of a number of new products, it was a requirement that the floors of the warehouse would be renovated so that it could be kept hygienic and dust-free.
The Project
"Installation must be done during the Christmas holidays"
The old floor was cracked and hollowed and was already in need of replacement, as it was a challenge for the warehouse's trucks. The warehouse floor was impossible to keep clean and dust-free, and therefore the company wanted the new floor to be easy to clean as well as antistatic. Finally, DENTSTORE wanted the new floor to be installed during the company's winter holidays, therefore the floors had to be hardened up and ready for the warehouse's trucks in only 7 days.
The solution
"The floor can withstand heavy trucks and harsh chemicals"
In other words, DENTSTORE made quite a few demands on its new floor.
It should be super easy to clean, this is ensured with Dencoat™ seamless floor systems, which always form one large continuous surface without joints. Check.
The floor had to withstand cleaning and sterilization with harsh chemicals and steam, this is ensured with the Denpox™ Topfloor flooring system. Check. The floor had to withstand truck driving, the Denpox™ Topfloor can withstand enormous pressures. Check.
The Customer
DENTSTORE is one of the most important distributors of dental materials and equipment in Romania and Bulgaria, with sales representatives in all the major cities. DENTSTORE imports and sells consumer goods and equipment to both practicing dentists and dental technicians. In addition, the company offers consulting and authorized service on the products sold.
The Installer
Technochim is the representative and exclusive distributor in Romania of Dencoat™ Flooring systems, and focus on the Eastern European market. Technochim specializes in importing and applying seamless PU and epoxy resin floors – both indoors and outdoors. Technochim, established in 1995, has advanced equipment for laying high-quality floors as well as efficient sandblasting and floor installing equipment.
Project Facts
Bucharest, Romania
Project size
DenCoat™ System
» Denpox™ Topfloor
» Color
8.200 m2
Bucharest, Rumania
Color Mid Grey
Denpox™ Topfloor
Attractive Appearance
Easy to Clean & Sterilize
Fast Installation
High Abrasion Resistance
Low Maintenance Cost
Non Slip Finish if required
Seamless and Hygienic Finish
Solvent Free; Low Odour
Very Good Chemical Resistance
Water Based High Impact Resistance